Mushroom Foraging Classes

we will not have a foray as we transition seasons .

If nature allows we will hold class, so check back to see!.

You can sign up for the classes here for $45 per person. These make great gifts!

Our forays will be scheduled for 2pm-5pm.

Most classes will meet at Julia’s and reconvene at Julia’s to show all the different mushrooms found that day.

After the hunt we will be offering a prix fixe Foraging Foray Feast at the restaurant. The menu’s will vary by what mushrooms are available and will feature mushrooms in every course. When you sign up for a class you will be asked if you want dinner as well so let us know! Dinners will be four courses for $45 per person and billed at the end of the meal. We look forward to seeing you in the field and at the table!

Basic Mushroom Orientation

We welcome you for an introduction to the mushroom world. Learn about how to look for, what you find, and where to find it on the Monterey Peninsula. Mycologists will identify the mushrooms you find and share as much of their knowledge as you can gleen. We will go over classifying each mushroom into genus, and going over how to identify the key features that help classify these mushrooms as such.  The goal of our Basic Mushroom class is not to identify species, but to be able to have a broad knowledge base and start to be able to recognize the common genus that grows in our area, which to avoid, and which to investigate further.   

It is our goal to share the basic knowledge of mushrooms with you and, allow you confidence when starting to explore this world on your own, and get a chance to meet like minded people in the area.